Brigthen Up

For Lord’s Day April 8

Dear Saints,

As we have finished the Larger Catechism section directly discussing justification and sanctification, I thought this Proverb was a nice summary of a few things for our meditation:

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. — Proverbs 4:18

Remember that Jesus Who justified you has made you once and for all just and righteous in your union with Him. Thus, Jesus by His Spirit is now shining His light through you in this dark world. And that light must not dim, but brighten. It must not flicker, but burn hotter and taller. As justified saints, you will most certainly be glorified because the path you are on and can’t be taken off is one of progressing in sanctification by the command of your King and the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:30). Your walk before God must be the same as your father Abraham’s: bearing evidence of a maturing faith that shines more and more meaningfully as you see the Day approaching.

Like Paul, may you who have Christ’s righteousness and not your own pursue perfection until the resurrection, glowing more and more with Christ’s grace and glory. This is the sanctified walk in the Holy Spirit of those who live in the Spirit of Christ.

Semper Reformanda,

Pastor Grant