Practice: What Duty God Requires of Us

Christian Practice Duties Required by God

We share the following articles and media based upon the main emphasis of the Bible’s teaching on practice as highlighted by the Westminster Larger Catechism Question and Answer Number 5: Q: “What do the scriptures principally teach?” A: “The scriptures principally teach, what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man.


Church Unity
The Relationship of the Reformed Churches of Scotland, England, Western & Eastern Europe from the 1500’s to the 1700’s
[and its implications for today] — Chris Coleborn

Being the Church (Government and Mutual Membership):

Church Incorporation (Unnecessary and Unbiblical Erastianism):

The Foolishness of Preaching:

Gender Relations:

Purity of Worship (Acapella Psalmody according to the Reformed Regulative Principle of Worship):

Remembering the Christian Sabbath to Honor it and Keep it Holy:


The Lord’s Supper:

Tithing Our First Fruits:

Christian Parenting of Covenant Children:

Using the Best English Bible:

Purity and Chastity in Sexual Behavior:

The Institution of American Slavery:

Staying Faithful
“Fight the Good Fight”
 — J. Gresham Machen’s Last Princeton Sermon (full text)

Studies and Devotionals
