Via 805 South (From Downtown San Diego)
- Take the Plaza Boulevard exit. (0.3 mi)
- Turn left onto East Plaza Boulevard (1.1 mi , If you reach 805 South you’ve gone about 0.2 miles too far)
- East Plaza Boulevard becomes East 8th Street. (0.2 mi)
- East 8th Street becomes Paradise Valley Road (1.3 mi)
- Turn right onto Potomac Street. (0.6 mi , Potomac Street is 0.1 miles past Parkland Way)
- The church is on the right, just past Calle Chanate.
(If you reach Saipan Drive, you’ve gone about 0.1 miles too far)
Via 805 North (From Chula Vista)
- Merge onto CA-54 East (2.4 mi)
- Take the Woodman Street exit. (0.2 mi)
- Turn left onto South Woodman Street (1.2 mi, If you reach State Route 54 East you’ve gone about 0.1 miles too far)
- Turn left onto Paradise Valley Road. (0.1 mi, Paradise Rd. is 0.1 miles past Doriana Street)
- Take the first left onto Potomac Street (0.6 mi, If you reach Parkland Way you’ve gone about 0.1 miles too far)
- The Church is on the right, just past Calle Chanate. (If you reach Saipan Drive you’ve gone about 0.1 miles too far)