Dear Saints,
As you know, I’m up in the mountains on respite with the children and will not be able to vote tomorrow for the next president of the United States of America. Frankly, I’m disgusted with the candidate options, and if I was able to vote I would write in a name that was clearly Christian and should be on the ballot to vote my conscience with a vission for the future.
I had jotted down these notes a little while ago with intent to share them with you during the presidential debates. I’d still like to send them real quick from the Shaver Lake, CA, library before we head out for the night (no wifi access otherwise).
While I recognize whomever God puts in office is of Him and then we will need to “honor the king” (1 Pet. 2:17), that doesn’t mean we need to be pressured to put him (or her as the case may be) there.
These words by Gordon H. Clark, in Reason, Religion, Revelation, resonated with me thinking about where our country has gotten with politics and parties represented by the candidates presented to us for our next president.
Clark writes on p. 47: “… consistency and profundity are not the prerequisites of popularity.” Does this not ring true in consideration of how “we the people” get what we deserve with our present representation? The political scene is a sign of the times for our nation of what “we the people” have become (are not the candidates alarmingly too much like us as a nation and church?). Clark also writes, “ … moral convictions and moral education, based on law and right, can be consistently grounded on Biblical revelation. On the other hand, contemporary American humanism like pagan antiquity neither has this ground for morality nor does it unexceptionally recognize these laws” (pp. 151-2). This needs to be meditated on before you vote …
… along with these: “Can …. A philosophy that repudiates revelation … provide a justification for any of the Ten Commandments? Are not those humanists who still oppose murder and theft living on the Christian capital inherited from their Puritan ancestors?” (p. 152). They are less and less, yet we keep putting them in office and then wonder why our nation is more and more aggressively pagan.
Some “conservative” talking heads are seriously pressuring us to not “throw away our vote”, but let me encourage you to cast a vote with the future in view that says “give me this kind of guy or don’t get my vote for your nonsense candidates any longer” or our children will suffer the same fate as did the early church with the fall of Rome all around them as it was taken over by barbarians.
May we always vote in a way that calls on our country to provide leadership that will reflect Psalm 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD … Let us do our duty in witnessing to Christ’s right to rule this nation in how we vote and how this nation would ever be changed for the better, and let us leave the outcome in His hands. For to try and take things into our own hands cowering to pragmatic pressure will get “we the people” more of what we these unprincipled persons deserve–and that will destroy us as a people.
Semper Reformanda,
Pastor Grant
Categories: God's Sovereignty | Politics