Every Lord’s Day is Easter Sunday!

For Lord’s Day, September 20, 2020.

Dear Saints,

As we return to the Gospel of Matthew we take it up at the grave of Jesus. And we find He is risen from the dead as the firstfruits of our resurrection. Thus we celebrate today, as every Lord’s Day, the resurrection of Christ. Each Lord’s day is Easter Sunday!

I’d like to share two things with you as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection.

First, see these pictures of some of our flowers at the manse. They are called “The Crown of Thorns”. Notice how huge are the thorns and remember Christ wore such a crown on the cross. Appreciate His agony of soul and body to pay for your sins.

But then see the stone rolled away and Christ having left the tomb as the sign that you have been forgiven your debt before God and are free to go! out of hell and into heaven!

So I also want to share with you the “Easter Song” as I have so often enjoyed by these two artists:

You are set free indeed by the Son! Go quickly and tell His disciples! And fall at His feet and worship Him along the way.

Semper Reformanda,

Pastor Grant
