Fear is Futile

For the Lord’s Day, October 11, 2020

Dear Saints,

Today we will be studying fear again and learn it is bondage and to be cast off in the spirit of God’s loving adoption.

Romans 8:15: For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

I’d like to share an acronym Fernanda and I learned about this week from an educational video which I’ll share more about during this morning’s sermon:

F: requent

E: xagerration

A: bout

R: eality

Is this not the truth? How often do we enslave ourselves to the lies of Satan and our situations when we should instead cast off all bondage of fear in the sober power of love and faith in Christ. Beloved saints who are more than conquerors, let us do so this morning. For the spirit of fear is not of God our Father and it is simply unreasonable. With faith, fear is futile!

Semper Reformanda,

Pastor Grant

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