Love of God’s Law and Sabbath Day Worship

For the Lord’s Day, October 10, 2021

Dear Saints,

Finally, by God’s grace, I am preparing to come back to our exegetical sermon series (in the morning, Deuteronomy, in the evening, Philippians).  Thus, in this Lord’s Day’s morning service we will be returning to where we left off in Deuteronomy, The 10 Commandments (specifically, the Fourth: Remember to Honor the Sabbath Day witnessing that we previous slaves to the world are now delivered unto sanctified Kingdom service).  

As we return to the Ten Commandments, I am encouraged to recall Mr. Alex Lopez and what he shared during an interview with a national radio program about his family’s Cool Down Coffee shop we all love near the trolly and bus station on E. Street in Bonita/Chula Vista (the whole cafe is decorated with Scripture witnesses while Christian music plays in the background).   

I especially appreciated what Mr. Lopez shared about the Ten Commandments and how they were used to bring him to conviction of sin and then salvation in Jesus: “I read the Ten Commandments basically, and then I realize [what a] sinner I was. And then I realized that that was the reason why my life was like a mess, right? Everything started changing.”

Two Scriptures come to mind to affirm this testimony:

Galatians 3:24: Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Psalm 19:7: The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul …

To listen to “The World and Everything in It” World Radio podcast interview and read the transcript, entitled, “Caffeinated Evangelism”, click here.  It is very enjoyable to hear our brother and his family speak about their business and ministry in our corner of Christ’s earth.

And as we also return to the commandment to honor the Lord’s Day with restful worship in the assembly of believers as God’s spiritual temple, I am reminded of what I have shared before but I think is worth revisiting.  From a previous e-devotion/Pastor’s Post, I wrote:

In closing, I have in mind this photo that sits in my office given to Elder Renner by Pastor Bradley in Wales.  It shows a number of saints who worship at one of the mission churches in the Philippines that Pastor Bradley has helped grow in Reformed doctrine and practice over the years.  On the back of the photo, there is a handwritten note about one of the women and her children focused on in the center of the picture.  

Here is how Pastor Bradley’s observation of marvel reads:

This lady is of special interest for she has seven children and walks for six hours to be at every Sabbath service, she hasn’t missed once in the last four months.  She walks for three hours to meet the church vehicle, walking over rough land and then has to get back home, sometimes in the dark.  She brought four with her on this occasion, as much as she could cope with on her long journey.  We asked her as to why she was so willing to walk such a distance to be at the service.  She responded, “I must bring my family around God’s Word.”  Quite amazing.  Her husband does not come, as yet.  

This woman is our example of Psalm 84:6, and may God bless us to have her same devotion to bring her family to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth [with the spirit of the “Psalm for the Sabbath Day”, Psalm 92 which we’ll worship with to open the morning service but also speaks of evening worship.  For the full devotion on this topic and Psalm 84:6, “Going Out of Our Way to Get to Church”, visit:].

Semper Reformanda,

Pastor Grant

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