For Lord’s Day, January 1, 2012
Dear Saints,
We enter a New Year together this Lord’s Day! As we begin the next year of our Lord, I encourage you to try reading the entire Bible through 2012. Even if you don’t make it through entirely, you’ll read more than you likely would without a plan. If you have never read the whole Bible, this is a good time to give it a try. The Lord will reward you.
Elder Huffmaster has found an online Bible reading schedule that he recommends. This week, the e-devotion will be his testimony of using a Bible reading schedule to share with all of you and encourage you to read your whole Bible in 2012 with a plan that will help you do so. The links to online reading schedules follows below with the weekly links to the bulletin, etc.
Here’s what Elder Huffmaster has to share:
2 Peter 3:18: “But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen”
How many times have I sat down and thought, “What should I read today?” Then I spend some time trying to figure it out, and eventually get frustrated and I either fail to read anything or I read a familiar passage and then close the Bible and go away somewhat unsatisfied. Then maybe I pick up a devotional book on the Bible; while these are good and have their place, and I have been blessed by these books, I don’t want them to take the place of my Bible reading. Nothing should ever take the place of regularly scheduled reading through the Bible.
My problem was that I didn’t have a plan. If you struggle to read your Bible, perhaps this also may be your problem. Often, we don’t approach the Bible with a plan to read it through in a daily disciplined manner. Often, we just pick something without giving it much thought and read it. We read it in a disjointed way and we don’t get much out of it.
My goal is to read through the Bible at least once a year. I want to read through God’s Word in a disciplined way to remember it, to learn from it, to pray it, and to apply it in my daily life.
Some things that I have found out this year following a schedule:
I have found that a schedule doesn’t make me read. I still have to make myself do it. It takes a certain amount of time and discipline every day. But the more I follow it, the more I am blessed.
I have found a schedule gives me a good place to start everyday. That helps me to be more consistent in my reading.
A schedule isn’t written in stone. I can make adjustments to it so it can fit my needs. I can add to it if I like and read more, or reduce the amount that I read so it is more manageable. I control the schedule and it helps me. I don’t have to stop just because I read my scheduled reading for the day. Do what you can manage and grow from there.
I have been blessed by using a schedule because it gives me structure that I need to succeed. I don’t have to spend any time or energy thinking about what I am going to read. I just follow the schedule and read it. I know what I need to read that day to meet my goal so I don’t have to be distracted by considering what to read. I simply follow the schedule.
Having a schedule also gave me a reason to get up in the morning because I know what’s there for me to read. I have something to accomplish.
Following a schedule also keeps me from ignoring the less interesting parts of the Bible, because if I follow it I will read the whole Bible.
A schedule helps me remember where I read something, because I can remember what day I read something and go back and find it easier.
A schedule helps me to chart my progress and to see improvement. When you make progress, it is encouraging and a reason to praise the Lord. If you follow the schedule, then you will read through the Bible yearly. How motivating!
It also makes me pray more, because I desire that God would bless my efforts as sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
A schedule helps me to stay on target with my reading, and the more I read the more God allows me to grow in grace and knowledge. The more I read, the more God brings His Word to my mind in time of need.
I have rediscovered that God’s Word gives you things to pray about, because God is speaking to you when you read it.
What is best about a schedule is that it helps me to stay on course and read the Bible on a regular basis. Reading the Bible on a consistent basis helps me greatly in my walk with the Lord and in my prayer life. I think about God more, and that is a real blessing.
I did not start this schedule last January, but I do plan on starting it again this coming year. Lord willing, I will have success.
It is important that you find a schedule that is manageable for you. If the schedule is too ambitious then you will not do it. You will likely become overwhelmed and stop — like trying to lift too much weight too soon. If it is too easy, however, you might stop because it isn’t a challenge — like working out with too light of weight and seeing no improvement. The point is, a schedule works, so find one what works for you and enjoy!
Here is a web site that has many plans to pick from if you don’t have one already. I’m sure you can find one to fit your need.
May our Lord bless you in your daily reading of His precious word.
Thanks for the example and encouragement, Elder Huffmaster!
Here also is a Bible Word List and Reading Scheme that the Trinitarian Bible Society provides free online: It helpfully supplies definitions of some older English words in the King James Bible before then providing a suggested reading schedule.
Semper Reformanda,
Pastor Grant
Categories: Sanctification - Growing in Grace