Westminster Confession of Faith

And Catechisms

“… the Westminster Confession became the doctrinal standard for Puritan theology.”

Kelly M. Kapic and Randall C. Gleason, The Devoted Life: An Invitation to Puritan Classics

As a covenant family of Reformed, Presbyterian, and Confessional Christians, we subscribe to and teach the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and Larger and Shorter Catechisms as the vital emphases of the Christian faith and life. Following below are resource links to read them online and to listen to the Shorter Catechism. Our sermon series through the Larger Catechism also is embeded here for your convenience.

"The overwhelming majority of the one hundred and twenty-one clergymen and thirty laymen who comprised the Westminster Assembly were Presbyterian Puritans."

Paul S. Wright, The Duties of the Ruling Elder


“… the Westminster Standards are the most precise and accurate summaries of the content of biblical Christianity ever set forth in a creedal form … no historic confession surpasses in eloquence, grandeur, and theological accuracy … I am not aware of any theological document in all of church history that articulates the biblical faith more precisely or with greater care than the Westminster Confession of Faith. I stand in awe at the wisdom manifested by those who framed this document …”

– R.C. Sproul, Truths We Confess: A Layman’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Vol. 1, 2


“For those of us who believe the Bible, the [Westminster] Confession can supply an invaluable introduction to its main doctrines. Growth in grace will follow upon a careful study of the Confession as we compare its statements with the Biblical passages which it combines and summarizes. Let us not neglect this excellent document … any communicant member who neglects the Confession is thereby deprived of the best brief guidebook to an understanding of the Bible.”

— Gordon H. Clark, What Presbyterians Believe

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