Jesus is the Reason for the Sabbath!
Join in simple, pure, conservative, Reformed, Biblical worship with your covenant family TOGETHER, led by Presbyterian elders. Sit under Biblical, passionate preaching in the style of the Puritans.
After voluntary outdoor singing (AM: Psalm 122:1-4a, p. 287; PM: Psalm 134:1-3, p. 301), please be seated at least five minutes before worship for quiet preparation and meditation. If the service has begun and you are late, or you need to leave momentarily and upon return, please go to the balcony (an exception to return is allowed for parents training young children who may need to go to the training room for a time).
Click here for the weekly bulletin for Lord’s Day, January 12, 2025.
Lord’s Day (Sunday) Service:
Sabbath School, 9:30 AM: Our pastor is leading us study of the section on “work” in Anthony Selvaggio’s book, A Proverbs-Driven Life, as a supplement to our Wednesday Night study (see below).
Morning Worship, 10:30 AM: Presently Preaching through the Book of Deuteronomy.
Evening Worship, 5:30 PM: Presently Preaching topical sermons while he does background research to prepare for a new series requested by Session on the book of Nehemiah.
Weekly Lord’s Supper (during the morning service): Communicant Members of PRPC partake after every morning service. Visitors who are baptized and covenanted communicant members participating in good standing within an evangelical church may partake after first visiting with the elders to share about their faith, formal fellowship, and understanding of the elements of the Lord’s Supper. Elders are available to meet before morning worship upon advance request (a form of confirmation of church membership in good standing will be required–a letter from your church leadership is ideal).
If home bound, please see the following ways to join us for our live worship webcasts:
* Go to our live webcast page where the video is ready to click on and watch when live: Click Here for Our Live Webcast!* On our home page (, on the right side under, “Plan a Visit”, “About Us”, and “Directions” shortcuts with icons you will see a boxed “Watch Our Webcast” with an icon: click on that and it will open up on the screen for you to watch.* Go to: When we are live you will see the video on the top of this page. Click on it and it will begin to stream.* For those you know who may not use smart phones or computers and the internet, you can let them know to call this SermonAudio phone number: 712-432-3410. Once dialed in, the person will need to type our SA code: 53205.
Psalm Sing, Elder-led Prayer Meeting lifting up requests, and Study: Pastor is leading us through Mary Beeke’s, Teach Them to Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children.