
For Worship

Below are MP3 audio files of singing through Psalms from the Comprehensive Psalter (Blue Banner Books) to assist people with learning them for use in family worship and preparing for acapella psalmody worship on the Lord’s Day. These are not professionally recorded nor cleanly sung, but the hope is that they will help learn the tune so people can sing them on their own in a short time of practice. We are adding Psalms as we go through worship each week.

We encourage you to get the free app of the 1650 Scottish Psalter also to have the tunes available in full to be learned.  But because those tunes are played in four part harmonies by a piano, it is difficult for some to discern the melody and learn it and thus we present these "rough sketches" of singing only the melody to assist those who can't read music and want to learn the tunes to the words easily.

Singing Psalms acapella is the historic Biblical practice of the Old and New Testament Church continued by the early Church and recovered by the Protestant Reformation (often referred to as Purity of Worship).  It has always particularly been upheld by the Presbyterian Puritans, especially in Scotland, with whom we most identify.  God gave us His hymnal in the Scriptures in the Psalms, and we are most blessed to use what the LORD gave us to use to express ourselves to Him in personal, family, and corporate worship.  Please go to our "Duty and Practices Page" and scroll down to the section, "Purity of Worship" to learn more.

Here are other resources for collected Psalm recordings:

Psalm 1:1-6, Pg 3, St. Peter:

Psalm 2:1-12, Pg 4, Westminster:

Psalm 3:1-8, Pg 5, Eden:

Psalm 4:1-8, Pg 6, Abbey:

Psalm 5:1-7, Pg 7, Moravia:

Psalm 5:8-12, Pg 8, Denfield:

Psalm 6:1-10, Pg 9, Soldau:

Psalm 7:1-8, Pg 10, St. Nicholas:

Psalm 8:1-9, Pg 12, Winchester:

Psalm 9:1-11, Pg 13, Stroudwater:

Psalm 9:12-20, Pg 14, Manchester:

Psalm 10:1-4, Pg 15, Burford:

Psalm 10:5-12, Pg 16, Comfort:

Psalm 10:13-18, Pg 17, Belmont:

Psalm 11:1-7, Pg 18, Salisbury:

Psalm 12:1-8, Pg 19, Kilsyth:

Psalm 15:1-5, Pg 22, Grafenberg:

Psalm 16, Pg 23, St. Leonard:

Psalm 17:1-7, Pg 24, Rest:

Psalm 17:9-15, Pg 25, Palestrina:

Psalm 18:12-19, Pg 28-29, Evangel:

Psalm 18:28-37, Pg 31, Main:

Psalm 18:46-50, Pg 33, Tiverton:

Psalm 19:1-6, Pg 34, Aspurg:

Psalm 19:7-14, Pg 35, St. Andrew:

Psalm 22:1-10, Pg 39, Bangor:

Psalm 22:11-21, Pg 40, Naomi:

Psalm 22:22-31, Pg 41, Praetorius:

Psalm 23:1-6, Pg 42, Crimond (Highland Harmony Singers):

Psalm 24:1-6, Pg 43, Southwell:

Psalm 24:7-10, Pg 44, St. Asaph:

Psalm 25:1-7, Pg 45, St. Paul:

Psalm 25:8-14, Pg 46, St. Andrew:

Psalm 25:15-22, Pg 47, St. Neot:

Psalm 26:1-6, Pg 48, St. Thomas:

Psalm 26:7-12, Pg. 49, Iconium:

Psalm 27:1-6, Pg 50, Durham:

Psalm 27:7-14, Pg 51, Farrant:

Psalm 28:1-9, Pg 52, Gloucester:

Psalm 30:1-7a, Pg 55, Irish:

Psalm 30:7b-12, Pg 56, St. Fulbert:

Psalm 31:9-18, Pg 58, Consolation:

Psalm 32:1-6, Pg 60, Salzburg:

Psalm 32:7-11, Pg 61, Spohr:

Psalm 33:1-11, Pg 62, Scarborough:

Psalm 34:1-10, Pg 64, Stracathro:

Psalm 34:11-17, Pg 65, Kilmalcolm:

Psalm 34:18-22, Pg 66, St. Matthew:

Psalm 36:1-7, p. 71, Bristol

Psalm 37:1-9, Pg 73, Felix:

Psalm 37:10-21, Pg 74, St. Frances:

Psalm 37:22-28, Pg 75, Downs:

Psalm 38:1-9, Pg 78, Boswell:

Psalm 39:1-6, Pg. 81, Orton:

Psalm 40:1-7, Pg 83, Ballerma:

Psalm 40:9-17, Pg 84, Moravia:

Psalm 41:1-6, Pg 85, Resolution:

Psalm 41:7-13, Pg 86, Humility:

Psalm 42:1-5, Pg 89, Spohr:

Psalm 44 1-8, Pg 92, Evangel:

Psalm 44:16-26, Pg 94, Barrow:

Psalm 45:1-7, Pg 95, Narenza:

Psalm 45:8-17, Pg 96-97, Leominster

Psalm 46:1-11, Pg 99, Petersham

Psalm 47:1-9, Pg 100, Gainsborough:

Psalm 49:12-20, Pg 103, Galilee:

Psalm 50:1-8, Pg 104, Diademata:

Psalm 51:1-10, Pg 109 St. Kilda

Psalm 51:11-19, Pg 110, St. Mary

Psalm 56:1-13, Pg 116, St. Matthias:

Psalm 58:7-11, Pg 119, Lloyd

Psalm 61:1-8, Pg 124, Salzburg:

Psalm 62:1-6, Pg 125, Stracathro:

Psalm 62:7-12, Pg 126, St. Lawrence:

Psalm 63:1-11, p 127, Wetherby:

Psalm 65:1-8, Pg 129, St. Stephen:

Psalm 67:1-7, Pg 133, Selma:

Psalm 68:18-26, Pg 136, Pembroke:

Psalm 69:9-19, Pg 140, Ericstane:

Psalm 69:30-36, Pg 142, Lancaster:

Psalm 70:1-5, Pg 143, Uxbridge:

Psalm 71:1-10, Pg 144, Contemplation:

Psalm 71:11-19, Pg 145, St. Leonard:

Psalm 72:1-10, Pg 147, Tallis:

Psalm 72:11-19, Pg 148, Effingham:

Psalm 73:21-28, Pg 152, Farningham:

Psalm 76:1-12, Pg 157, Martyrs:

Psalm 77:10-16, Pg. 160, Peterborough:

Psalm 77:17-20, Pg. 161, St. Mirren:

Psalm 78:1-8, Pg 162, Tallis:

Psalm 80:1-9, Pg. 173, Evan:

Psalm 80:10-19, Pg. 174-175, All Saints New:

Psalm 81:11-16, Pg 178, Praetorius:

Psalm 82:1-8, Pg 179, St. Thomas:

Psalm 83:1-18, Pg 356-357, Salvum Fac:

Psalm 84 1-12, Pg 182, Harington:

Psalm 85:1-13, Pg 183, St. Bernard:

Psalm 86:1-10, Pg 184, Wallace:

Psalm 86:11-17, Pg 185, Zerah:

Psalm 89:1-10, Pg 189, Gainsborough:

Psalm 89:11-20, Pg 190, Perfect Way:

Psalm 89:21-34, Pg 192-3, Petersham:

Psalm 90:1-9, Pg 199, St. Anne:

Psalm 90:10-17, Pg 200, Sawley:

Psalm 91:1-8, Pg 201, French:

Psalm 91:9-16, Pg 202, Manchester:

Psalm 92:1-9, Pg 203, St. Peter:

Psalm 92:10-15, Pg 204, Howard:

Psalm 93:1-5, Pg 205, Stroudwater:

Psalm 94:11-23, Pg 207, Culross:

Psalm 95:1-11, Pg 208, Dunfermline:

Psalm 96:1-8, Pg 209, St. Magnus:

Psalm 96:9-13, Pg 210, St. George:

Psalm 97:1-12, Pg 211, Bloxham:

Psalm 98:1-9, Pg 360, Desert:

Psalm 99:1-9, Pg. 213, Ravensburg:

Psalm 100:1-5, Pg 214, Old 100th:

Psalm 100:1-5, Pg 362, Glasgow:

Psalm 101:1-8, Pg 364, Aurelia:

Psalm 103:1-12, Pg 219, Kilmarnock:

Psalm 103:13-22, Pg 220, Lloyd:

Psalm 104:1-9, Pg 221, Bloxham:

Psalm 104:10-16, Pg 222, St Asaph:

Psalm 104:17-24, Pg 223, Colchester:

Psalm 104:25-35, Pg 224, St. Matthew:

Psalm 105:1-7, Pg. 226, St. Stephen:

Psalm 105:8-14, Pg 227, St. Mirren:

Psalm 105:15-23, Pg. 228, Tallis:

Psalm 105:24-33, Pg 229, Newington:

Psalm 106:9-18, pp 232-233, Ostend:

Psalm 106:32-42, Pg 235, Rowlet:

Psalm 106:43-48, Pg 236 Glasgow:

Psalm 107:32-43, Pg 242-23, Ellacombe:

Psalm 108:1-13, Pg 244, Bishopthorpe:

Psalm 109:1-10, Pg 245, Martyrs:

Psalm 110:1-7, Pg 249, St. Magnus:

Psalm 111:1-10, Pg 250, Gloucester:

Psalm 112:1-5, Pg 251, St. Fulbert:

Psalm 115:10-18, Pg 256, Jackson:

Psalm 116:1-8, Pg 257, Kilmarnock:

Psalm 116:9-19, Pg 258, Consolation:

Psalm 117:1-2, Pg 259, Tiverton:

Psalm 118:24-29, Pg 262, Artaxerxes:

Psalm 119:1-8, Pg 263, Castleford:

Psalm 119:9-16, Pg 264, St. Paul:

Psalm 119:17-24, Pg 265, Evan:

Psalm 119:25-32, Pg 266, Martyrdom:

Psalm 119:33-40, Pg 267, York:

Psalm 119:41-48, Pg 268, Kilmarknock:

Psalm 119:89-96, Pg 274, St. Anne

Psalm 119:97-104, Pg 275, St. Frances:

Psalm 119:105-112, Pg 276, Grafenberg:

Psalm 119:113-120, Pg 277, Abbey:

Psalm 119:137-144, Pg 280, Bristol:

Psalm 119:145-152, Pg 281, Salzburg:

Psalm 121:1-8, Pg 286, French:

Psalm 122:1-9, Pg 287, Belgrave:

Psalm 123:1-4, Pg 288, Peterborough:

Psalm 124:1-8, Pg 289-290, Old 124th:

Psalm 125:1-5, Pg 291, Kathrine:

Psalm 126:1-6, Pg 292, Southwell:

Psalm 127:1-5, Pg 293, Salisbury:

Psalm 128:1-6, Pg 294, Howard:

Psalm 129:1-8, Pg 295, Elgin:

Psalm 130:1-8, Pg 296, Martyrdom:

Psalm 131:1-3, Pg 297, St. Frances:

Psalm 132:11-18, Pg 299, Colchester:

Psalm 133:1-3, Pg 371, Eastgate:

Psalm 134:1-3, Pg 301, Evangel:

Psalm 135:1-7, Page 302, Southwark:

Psalm 136:1-5, Pg 305, Darwall:

Psalm 136:1-12, Pg 372, Hyfrydol:

Psalm 136:13-26, Pg 373, Aberdeen:

Psalm 138:1-4, Pg 311, Bedford:

Psalm 139:1-10, Pg 313, Caithness:

Psalm 139:16b-24, Pg 315, St. Andrew:

Psalm 141:1-5, Pg 318, Martyrdom:

Psalm 143:4-7, Pg 322, I Need Thee:

Psalm 144:1-8, Pg 324, Ravensburg:

Psalm 144:9-15, Pg 325, Jackson:

Psalm 145:1-8, Pg 326, Retreat:

Psalm 145:9-18, Pg 327, Duke Street:

Psalm 146:1-6, Pg 329, St. Stephen:

Psalm 146:7-10, Pg 330, York:

Psalm 147:1-5, Pg 331, Huddersfield:

Psalm 147:6-13, Pg 332, Irish:

Psalm 147:14-20, Pg 333, St. Agnes, Durham:

Psalm 148:1-6, Pg 334, St. John:

Psalm 148:7-14, Pg 335, Darwall: